Thursday, January 12, 2012

Divine appointments...are they real?

God continues to blow my mind...let me explain...last night I had the opportunity to share my testimony with our church while our pastor was out of town.  (A side note: It was great timing as this month is my 15 year anniversary walking with the Lord).  As part of my testimony, I described my moving from Hawaii to Oregon to go to college.  When I first moved to Oregon, I had a diffcult time adjusting to the climate, culture, and life on the mainland.  As I was in the middle of speaking, a visitor walk into the church whom I had never seen before.  In speaking with her after the service ended, I found out that she was from the Bahamas and just moved to Oregon 6 months ago.  Here's what's interesting:
  1. She was dealing with the exact same issues (coming from the islands) that I dealt with when I moved to Oregon;
  2. I have not spoken in our church in over a year;
  3. I can't recall in the last 15 years when someone from the Bahamas visited our church; and
  4. She said she received a church invitation in the mail and our church doesn't do church mailings.
The best part is that she gave her life to Jesus at the end of the service. Amen! 

Do you believe in divine appointments?  Hhhhmmmm...I think I do!  

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